Do livestock emit more GHG than transportation? No.
Henning Steinfeld, the author of the FAO‘s Livestock‘s Long Shadow publication, which first made the claim that livestock emits more GHG than transportation, wrote the following paper to set the records straight!
A day in the life of a Welsh Dairy Farmer.
We’ve been clear of this god awful disease for many years, through huge efforts in keeping wildlife and livestock separated we have been winning the battle.
The Rural value...
The Uk is precariously placed, as an island sitting in the East Atlantic, plus we are faced with Brexit.
Adult bovines, who drank milk from their herd members.
A lot of activists claim these devices are “stapled” in place or, go completely through the nose. Both those statements are incorrect.
One stop shopping post on methane part 2
The methane issue is a kind of blind spot for those who vilify cows because most bovine critics would see themselves as deeply concerned about preserving a natural and organic environment.
One stop shopping post on methane Part 1
There is an old fake-science idea doing the rounds again at the moment.